Fun Party Ideas for Hosting Your Friends

Fun Party Ideas for Hosting Your Friends

Maintaining deep relationships as an adult is tough. You’re pulled in so many directions for your time — your spouse, your work, your kids, your church commitments. The effort of staying up with your friends is worth it, though. We’ve gathered a few ideas in this blog to help you build deeper relationships with your friends, family, and neighbors when you offer to host.

Keeping Kids Healthy While On-The-Go

Keeping Kids Healthy While On-The-Go

As we roll into the fall sports season, one of the hardest things to juggle is the family calendar.

Parents are running their kids all over the place to school, sports, music lessons, church activities, and trying to fit in fall family fun time. The calendar is a mess of activities.

After the pandemic chaos, it makes sense that we all want to say yes to everything and get back into the swing of activities and routines.

Device-Free Fall Family Fun Ideas

Device-Free Fall Family Fun Ideas

As we head into the fall season, the daily rhythms of our school, work and extracurricular activities really start to ramp up.

Schedules are packed. That usually translates into less family time.

But, it doesn’t have to be that way.

If you carve it out, there are some great opportunities to spend time as a family this fall. We’ve gathered them all together in a fun game we hope you’ll enjoy.

How to Get Your Teens to Talk to You (Minus the Sarcasm, Please)

How to Get Your Teens to Talk to You (Minus the Sarcasm, Please)

Teens have a special way of insulting their parents. The best (worst?) part is, it can be with just a look.

Often filled with disdain. Maybe a special dose of eye roll or an arched eyebrow. A personal favorite is the “I can’t believe you just said that; you’re so embarrassing” look.

But. There’s a lot going on inside those brains. And it’s our job as parents to pry it out, even if it’s bit by bit.

5 Critical Reasons to Bring Family Dinners Back to the Table

5 Critical Reasons to Bring Family Dinners Back to the Table

The typical American family may have good intentions to eat dinner together.

But what do you get when you throw together a hectic week at work, trying to fit exercise into the day, new school schedules, drop-offs, and homework, as well as the parental taxi service that ferries children to 4 different locations for 3 different sports practices in the evening?

You get overwhelmed. Feel ragged. Busy. Tired.