4 Important Health Benefits of Unplugging from Technology


In case you’re wondering, yes, we do realize it’s a little ironic (cue that Alanis Morissette chorus) to write a blog about … not being online and reading blogs.

But hear us out.

One of our core beliefs is to spend intentional time together as a family.

And — let’s be honest — it’s tough to do that if everyone is buried in their devices.

So if you’re here to learn more about not floating through your life, but really living it with purpose...

Step up.

Read this blog.
Then shut your phones off for dinner tonight and have some real conversation.

#1 Improve your mental health

The constant need to check for phone notifications or social media accounts has trained our brains into a terrible habit. It’s almost like Pavlov’s dogs with phones.

Being so in tune with your phone isn’t good for your mental health. 

It sets up an unrealistic expectation that you’ll respond immediately (and can cause you stress if you don’t).

And social media presents a picture-perfect snap of exactly what those online want you to see. It’s not realistic. It can be depressing to look at.

Social media has been shown to increase stress, anxiety and depression levels. 

One study found that over 20% of students use social media for over 5 hours per day. Does that sound like too much?

If you can shut down those devices and limit time spent on them, you’ll thrive. Your brain needs a chance to rest. Low levels of social media usage are absolutely associated with better mental health.

#2 Get better sleep

We’ve all heard that we should be off our phones or devices up to an hour before bed. Do you know why?

That little blue light from your phone keeps your brain awake. The artificial light is a stimulant that doesn’t allow your brain to easily release the melatonin needed to signal your body to sleep.

If you’re one who does the “mindless scroll” or uses TV to tire yourself out before bed, try some new strategies to wind down. A warm bath. A new stretching or meditation routine. A paper book instead of an e-reader.

Whatever your new method, putting the phone away will help you get more restful, deeper sleep. You’ll be ready to attack the next day!

#3 Enjoy higher levels of concentration

Have you ever wondered if your attention span is decreasing? It’s possible that it’s related to your phone usage.

Think about it. 

We’re consuming more media than ever before, at an extremely rapid pace.

It’s even true for children: screen time is affecting them negatively. In an era where so much school instruction is taking place online, we have to take care to manage the screen time our kids have at home. 

Brain studies have also shown that “taking a quick break” on your phone during a difficult task can actually make you more tired and less focused. A quick burst of physical activity is much better to help you zone in.

Try setting designated times to check your phone. Maybe it’s at 30-minute intervals, or even on the hour. You’ll be more focused on your tasks and able to complete them quicker.

#4 Make your time spent together purposeful

If you’re not intentional about the reason you’re going onto your phone or device, it enables technology to diminish time spent in life-giving relationships or on other enjoyable activities. 

Pouring into your kids is vital to relationship health. 

If you don’t feed it, it won’t grow.

Quality time is really that — we don’t call it “distracted time” or “paying attention half the time.” 

It has to be focused and directed energy on the time spent. Thoughtful questions. A safe space to open up. 

If you want to designate a device-free time for your family, we have a cool idea to help — a device box. 

Your family can dump their phones during a specified time, and you’ll benefit from the increased interaction.

Looking for more ways to unplug as a family?

Download our Family Fall Bingo sheet!