Fun Party Ideas for Hosting Your Friends

Maintaining deep relationships as an adult is tough.

You’re pulled in so many directions for your time — your spouse, your work, your kids, your church commitments.

You have to be really intentional with your effort to set times to get together with friends.

The effort is worth it, though … Once you get there, and start catching up on each other’s lives, you’ll remember that this time we have is precious.

We’ve gathered a few ideas in this blog to help you build deeper relationships with your friends, family, and neighbors when you offer to host. 

Backyard fun ideas for all seasons

Depending on where you live, it might not be as easy to host in your backyard, but it’s a great way to keep the mess outside.

Plus, who doesn’t love a party with all that fresh air?

One of the best investments you can make if you love hosting is a good fire pit.

Whether you go with a gas option or the real thing, everyone loves to gather around a fire. 

You could host a good old-fashioned bonfire night with hot dogs, s’mores, and beverages. It’s classic, simple, and filled with nostalgia. 

Plus, it’s really family-friendly and doesn’t cost much at all. Take it up a notch with a s’more station (grab some Pinterest ideas) to make those delicious gooey treats.

In the winter, parents can bundle up with a hot drink by the fire while the kids play in the snow. You could even do a hot chocolate bar with various mix-ins.

Another idea is to host a viewing party or movie night. 

A simple projector and screen (or outdoor TV if you’re fancy) creates an instant draw, whether you’re watching the big game or a Saturday night movie night.

“I have a never-ending itch to want to connect with people, especially my neighbors. What usually gets in the way are too high of expectations, or just general busyness. So I found that throwing an open invite to my patio to watch the basketball games was an easy way to just do it. Because at the end of the day, it's really not complicated...I just had to do or try something and see who shows up. It makes me smile every time to see neighbors, but also little splashes of people from different parts of my life show up to watch the ball games.  I believe that something much deeper than watching a game is happening on those nights.” – Jordan Stonehouse, Wyoming, MI

Heck, you might even spark some interest from the neighbors and get some last-minute joiners. 

College game day in the fall is primetime for some outdoor games, like cornhole, Frisbee, bocce or ladder golf. Giant Jenga is also a big hit with parents and kids alike.

Easy food ideas for hosting

Obviously, the easiest party food idea is to make it a potluck. 

Nothing says community like feeding each other.

If you want to set a theme, some ideas include: 

  • Make it an appetizer party. Easy and delicious.

  • CrockPots only. Every family has a favorite recipe to offer.

  • Do a taco bar and have everyone bring different toppings.

  • Grill mini pizzas with different sauces like pesto, BBQ, alfredo or classic marinara.

  • Have a Thanksgiving night. There is no bad time of year for mashed potatoes and gravy.

  • Make breakfast for dinner. I have yet to meet someone who says no to chocolate croissants.

  • Host a chili cookoff. Can’t go wrong with all those yummy flavors.

A friend’s neighborhood street hosts what they call Freezer Fridays. Everyone brings out camp chairs to the street, someone plays music, and everyone picks something random from their freezer that needs to get used up. 

Community doesn’t have to be a holiday that includes a formal 7-course meal. (But if you’ve always dreamed of being Martha Stewart, invite your favorite friends over! No one says no to a fancy dinner. Even on a Tuesday night.)

The effort is worth the reward

No matter what kind of party you host, it’s the time spent together that really matters. 

Surrounding yourself with good people and investing in relationships is paramount to our adult lives. 

We are made to live in community with those around us.

Make it happen this month at your house. Tag us in your social media pics so we can share the love of good food and good people.