Here Are the Perfect Pairings For Your Holiday Meals

Here Are the Perfect Pairings For Your Holiday Meals

The holidays are tough.

Getting your house ready to host a holiday means lots of wrapping, cleaning, cooking and running to the store for that one last item you inevitably forgot but definitely need to make your favorite dishes.

Give yourself a little grace and consider how you can cut down your prep time for your holiday meals.

We’ve picked 5 of our crazy amazing mind-blowing side dishes to help ensure your meals are extra delicious. Here are our suggestions for pairing these side dishes with your holiday favorites.

How to Cultivate Children Who are Givers

How to Cultivate Children Who are Givers

As we enter the gift-giving season, you might be asking yourself: Are my kids growing up to be givers?

Do they see those around them who are in need?

As adults, it’s our role to guide our children in the best ways to treat others. We have the job of pointing out those who could use encouragement or a need fulfilled.

There’s always doubt that enters our minds about how much our kids know. How much have we taught them? Are they absorbing the important lessons? Are we doing enough to explain how to treat others?

Do they understand what it means to help those around them?

There are 3 big ways we can help cultivate children who are givers.

5 Great Date Ideas to Spice Up Your Weekends

5 Great Date Ideas to Spice Up Your Weekends

We all know that it happens — life gets busy.

It’s very easy to shift your relationship and regular date nights to the back burner. Sometimes it feels like just one more thing to check off the list. And staying home is just simpler.

Is it time for a change of pace and some new date night ideas? Gather some of our best suggestions below and jumpstart date night again.

Inspiring Gratitude in Your Kids This Thanksgiving

Inspiring Gratitude in Your Kids This Thanksgiving

As parents, one of the most important jobs we have is to prepare our kids to be the best humans possible.

As children develop, it’s vital that we encourage the character traits we want them to show to others — the most important being love.
Love encapsulates other traits such as patience, gentleness, kindness, empathy, and for this season: gratitude.

If you’re looking for a way to teach your kids about “giving thanks” this Thanksgiving season, consider daily lessons in gratitude.